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Loving Care Home- Plainfield

Visions and Pathways opened housing in Plainfield, NJ in November, 2019. Loving Care Home, as the home is called, is located on Park Ave in Plainfield and can house five (5) females 18 years of age and older. The housing offers a safe, stable space for females in need of a place to stay. The youth can stay up to 18 months and work with their Case Manager to obtain employment, plan their next living arrangement, learn life skills and financial literacy, etc. The youth has access to arts/rec activities, mentoring sessions and life skills workshops. All of these activities help shape the youth and encourage them to reach their goals. All of the females in the house participate in therapy with the Visions and Pathways’ Behavioral Health department.


The location in Plainfield also houses the office of one of our Street Smart outreach workers and one Prosperity Independent Life Skills Counselors. Having these staff in Plainfield allows us to build the relationship with the community and assist those in need with our prevention efforts. Both programs can work with a youth to assist before they become homeless. We are able to distribute the needed supplies and assist with life skills for youth in an area that has demonstrated great need.

Loving Care Homes

1371 Park Ave Plainfield NJ

Tel. # 908-526-6605 Ext. 310

Fax # 908-561-1843